Product Details
Matrix Multimedia

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  10 projects to build
  Component lists - also included as separate
files for easy access 
  Fully functional schematic design and PCB
layout software included on the CD 
  Component and general construction guides
  Project specific construction and testing tips
Electronic Projects is just that, a series of ten projects for students to build. The CD is designed to provide a set of projects which will complement students' work on the other 3 CDs in the Electronics Education Series. Each project on the CD is supplied with schematic diagrams, circuit and PCB layout files, component lists and comprehensive explanatory text which guides the student through the project. The projects are suitable both for those following an electronics course, or for home use. 
The projects on this CD are as follows: 
Light, Heat and Moisture Sensor, Logic Probe , NE555 Timer, Egg Timer, Dice Machine, Bike Alarm, Stereo Mixer, Power Amplifier, Sound Activated, Switch, Reaction Tester. 
Each project contains the following core screens and items, with additional project specific pages as applicable: 
Introduction, Block Diagram, Schematic Diagram, Layout, Construction, Testing, Components List (both as a page and as an separate file), Schematic, PCB layout. 
Student version (home use only).